Learn Signaloid news, discover new uses, and keep an overview of your usage
The Home page is your first stop in the Signaloid Cloud Developer Platform. It gives you an overview of the recent changes in the platform and provides suggestions for ways for using Signaloid uncertainty-tracking on real-world problems, customized to your interest domains.
The page features an image slider with news, a section with relevant example open-source GitHub code repositories that you can quickly connect and run. You can also see an overview of your usage as well as a snapshot of your daily Task invocations for the current billing period.

The navigation drawer menu
The navigation drawer menu is on the left of the page on all pages of the Signaloid Cloud Developer Platform. The menu has links to help with navigation around the platform. On mobile devices, you can access the navigation drawer using the icon on the top left corner of the screen.
- Home: Takes you to the Home page which gives you an overview of the current state of affairs of the platform. (The current documentation page you are reading is about the Home page.)
- Code Editor: Write and edit source code, and run it on the Signaloid Cloud-C0 processors. Learn more about running code with the Code Editor here.
- Cores: Inspect the C0-Cloud processor instances available to you and create custom configurations that match the needs of your applications.
- Data and Sensors: Examine and configure your options for data storage and data access on Signaloid Cloud.
- Repositories: List GitHub repositories you have connected to the Signaloid Cloud Developer Platform and Compute Engine.
- Task Manager: Provides an overview of active Tasks and completed Tasks, and allows you to inspect the outputs of completed Tasks.
- Usage: Presents an overview of the resource usage for your account for the current billing period.
- Billing: Manage your Signaloid Cloud subscription.
- Settings: Configure the platform and manage your account.
The top-bar menus
The top-bar menu provides information about the platform.
- The notifications menu gives latest news and updates about the Signaloid Cloud Developer Platform.
- The information menu contains links to the Signaloid Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy, and Acceptable Use Policy.
- The account menu shows your current user and allows you to sign out from the platform.