Querying Derived Uncertainty Information from Uncertainty-Tracking Microarchitectures
The Ux Hardware API provides functions for indirectly querying uncertainty information on uncertainty-tracking microarchitectures.
📄️ Nth Mode of a Distribution
Return the *n*th most-frequently occurring value of a distribution.
📄️ Nth Centralized Moment of a Distribution
Return the *n*th centralized moment of a distribution.
📄️ Tail Probability
Return the tail probability of a distribution beyond a cut-off value.
📄️ Quantile
Return the quantile of a distribution for a given probability value.
📄️ Distributional Support Minimum
Return the minimum of the support of a distribution.
📄️ Distributional Support Maximum
Return the maximum of the support of a distribution.
📄️ Sampling from a Distribution
Return a sample from the distribution.
📄️ Batch sampling from a Distribution
Store a batch of samples from a distribution to an array.