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Distribution from Samples


UxHwDoubleDistFromSamples, UxHwFloatDistFromSamples Create a distributional value from an array of samples.


#include <stddef.h>
#include <uxhw.h>

double UxHwDoubleDistFromSamples(double * samples, size_t sampleCount);
float UxHwFloatDistFromSamples(float * samples, size_t sampleCount);


The UxHwDoubleDistFromSamples() function returns the mean value of the first sampleCount elements of the samples array. On architectures that associate distributional information with floating-point values, also creates a distributional value that follows the empirical distribution of the first sampleCount elements in the samples array. On such architectures, the return value is associated, at the architecture level, with the distributional value created and it is equal with the mean value of the distribution.


  • samples The pointer to the array of floating-point values to sample from.
  • sampleCount The number of elements of the array that are going to be used for the calculation of the distributional value and its mean.

Return Values

The UxHwDoubleDistFromSamples() function returns the mean value of the first sampleCount elements of the samples array. If sampleCount is equal to 0, the function returns NaN.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <uxhw.h>

N = 2,

double a;
double samples[N] = {1.0, 3.0};

a = UxHwDoubleDistFromSamples(samples, N);

printf("a = %lf\n", a);

return 0;